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New Build Calculator

The most common question we receive is "What does it cost to build a new home?

We've put together a simple calculator that formulates the cost of a new house from our building standards. You can see these standards by viewing this virtual tour. 

If you want to finish the basement, input square footage here.

Looking for a two-story? Input Second story square footage here. 

If you have land or know of land you'd like to build, please input it here


Ranch with Finished basement

  • Main Floor: 1850

  • Second Floor: 0

  • Basement: 1200

Two Story with Unfinished Basement

  • Main Floor: 1100

  • Second Floor: 1100

  • Basement: 0

Input main floor square footage here

Disclaimer: We ask people to realistic. Every house and land is different. This price does is based on an average square foot price from the past 3 months. This price can and will change without notice. The estimated cost above does not include land improvement costs such as Tree Clearing, Longer driveways, Well & Septic, ETC.  The estimated cost above is just an estimate, nothing more. The purpose this calculator is to get you into the "ballpark". 

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